Sunday, October 29, 2023

Covid and Mass Deception

I alerted my readers to the existence of the transhumanist agenda on this blog as far back as 2009 when I did some research on the topic for a dystopian science fiction series I had in mind.

My research led me to the conclusion that there is nothing I can imagine in my worst nightmare, worse than the reality of what exists already in the sense of what Islam would call "haraam bidah" - forbidden (in the sense of being harmful to humanity just like drinking or other forms of harmful behavior) innovation. 

Having said that, I'm happy to see that I am no longer a voice in the desert crying alone. There are thousands of people today creating challenging and interesting content regarding the threats posed in particular by big pharma and biotechnology to humanity. 

The big lie of Covid-19 and the related pharma scam of mRNA "vaccines" showed you everything you wanted not to know. Dear fellow humans, I didn't want to be right about this. It is not a pleasure to see the damage they have done.

Please feel free to interact with this page and post any questions or comments you may have. I will share information in my usual fearless way. If the blog suddenly disappears, know I didn't take it down: they did. I kept it low key for a long time because so many people are doing a great job of exposing the truth about these issues, but it would be shameful to say nothing after all this time.

God bless you all and keep you free from the harm of deception. Be brave and stand firm in your convictions. Above all: be human. I and thousands of truth warriors are fighting for your rights not to be zombies. Please don't be those people.

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